How to use ion gun for surface preparation
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How to use ion gun for surface preparation
Last updated
IMPORTANT: BEFORE SPUTTERING! Close the valve between the two chambers and switch off any high voltage (LEED, high temperature heater, evaporators, etc).
â DANGER: Close the valve between the two chambers and make sure that it is closed.
Sample can be sputtered either in the manipulator or in the low-temperature heater. Set the sample in the sputtering position by placing the manipulator/heater in the center of the chamber, usually surface should be at 45° relative to the ion gun.
Check that there is a gas bottle with argon connected to a leak valve that goes into the ion gun. Before inserting Ar, make sure that gas line has been flushed several times, in order to prevent oxygen contamination on sample surface. See the checklist for flushing the gas line.
Insert Ar by slowly opening the leak valve ( mbar).
Switch on the power supply (SPECS IQE-11A, see photo below), check that the Energy knob is at 0 keV and set Mode knob to Operate. Check that the error LED "Filament fail" on the left is not on.
Slowly increase the electron energy to the required value (up to 3 keV) for the sputtering. Check that the LED for âHV Failâ is not on.
Finally, set the emission current knob to 10 mA.
After the sputtering cycle is finished repeat the steps 4-6 in reverse order: reduce Energy to 0 keV, put Mode to Stand by and close the leak valve.
Do not apply too much force to close the leak valve! It takes time for pressure to drop, be patient.
Check that both wheels of the leak valve knob are being rotated at the same time.
If it is not possible to raise the energy above 0.6 keV in the Sputtering Power Controller, check if the Extractor pin is grounded (towards external shield of the ion gun). It should not be grounded! If a finite resistance is present, let some current flow through this pin and ground until it is again isolated. ASK BEAMLINE SCIENTST FOR ASSISTANCE!