Operating wobble stick

Tips and tricks

When you move anything in the chamber, it is a good rule to always look inside at the thing you are moving.

Be gentle and don't apply too much force. If you have to pull/push too hard - you are doing something wrong. If sample holder is not sliding into/out-of the position with minimal force, it means that most probably the angle is not perfect. Try to adjust manipulator/heater positon and repeat.

If you pull very hard while trying to take sample out the clamps of the wobble-stick may open leading to unpredictable consequences.

Never push cold sample deep inside the LT-heater, it will expand and get stuck! The same goes about RT sample and hot heater. Check that edge of the sample holder is in line with the edge of the heater slot.

//photos of good and bad positioning of the sample

If sample got stuck and it looks like photo 2, try to push the hook from below with a flat side of the wobble-stick (method 1). If this helps to release the bottom front corner of the sample holder, you will be able to pull the sample out.

If this doesn't help, one can try to follow the procedure below:

  1. Wait for sample to cool down. Check if you can pull it out (try method 1).

  2. Try to reach high T quickly, e.g. put 3A (max T should be ca 650C).

  3. While it's heating hold the hook and give it a short but strong pull every ca. 5 sec.

  4. At some point sample will jump out, be careful not to drop it! Ideally movement should be short enough so that sample holder stays partially in the heater. Wobble-stick clamps can open! Try to pull not too strong and try to keep pull vector in the horizontal plane (small deviations to left and right could help, but don't move up and down).

Last updated