Useful tools and links
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A tool for modelling of XPS peak positions, can be found on the desktop of the measurement PC.
hv, list of elements and work function -> peak positions on kinetic energy scale.
Modeled "intensities" correspond to tabulated ionization cross-sections.
Click on one peak to show information.
Click on one peak, then on another one while holding Shift -> get energy distance.
To see lines of all possible elements, write "all" in the list of elements.
On the desktop of the right PC there is an Igor experiment called "T log v ... .pxp" that can plot temperatures A and B of the cold finger and sample in real-time.
You can generate XY polar corrections manually. To do this you need to know the coordinates of a one good spot on the sample and the coordinates of the center of manipulator rotation (one needs to calculate them once precisely and then they should not change until next dismounting or recalibration of manipulator). This functionality is included in the current version of MultiAx, but in certain cases Igor version can be useful. It saves generated file in the "saves" folder of MultiAx from where it can be loaded into MultiAx. More info can be found here.
Make a precise manual XY correction, saving several snaps (minimum 2). Ideally use a small sample or some small feature that you can easily identify (e.g. corner of the sample). Mainly the polar range and precision of each snap influence the precision of the fitting result.
Save snaps as an ._xy file.
Use command LoadXY()
to load table of (p,x,y) values from the ._xy file as waves (wp,wx,wy).
Use command Calculate(wx,wy,wp)
The results of the fit will be printed in the command line and circle in the figure should be updated.