Most common modes of data acquisition; tips and tricks; known bugs; troubleshooting
Find the SES icon in the taskbar:
Allow windows to run the program.
Press Test connection, you should see a reply in the MultiAx log panel (at the bottom of the window). Press OK.
Again press Test connection and see the reply. If reply did not appear, there is a communication error, please contact beamline scientist for further instructions. Press OK.
SES window should appear.
Go to Run - Setup menu. Specify region of measurements parameters.
Save the full list of regions (so-called sequence) as a .seq file to your experimental folder.
A map will always start with a number of regions twice as big as the number of points. This causes an error message in the end of the map. When it asks "Discard and proceed?" press No.
P-axis should be selected as major, otherwise polar angle values will not be written in the datafile.
Scale fields should be identical to P-axis fields, otherwise polar angle values in the datafile will be wrong.
Problem: cannot start a map because SES immediately shows an error. If this cannot be cured by restarting SES, then measure one single spectrum and let it finish (not a "Manipulator scan" region, but "Normal"). After that it should be possible to measure a map again.
Sometimes after mapping you can get not a usual "Out of bounds", but another error about some DLL with "AddData" in it's name. In this case file is probably not saved. To fix this issue restart the program.
If this happens, it is recommended to try to save a short test map before each map that you measure, in this case you can at least make sure that the program was working right before you started the map.
If number of polar angle steps was changed or a new mapping region was created, map has to be started, stopped and restarted again. Otherwise it will measure a wrong number of polar angles (see left bottom corner of the measurement window, for map with N steps it should show "1/N", if it shows e.g. "1/1" - it will stop after 1 sweep)
From time to time the following or similar error message may appear:
Access violation at address 004ED730 in module 'SES.exe'. Read of address 06D7C5EC.
Usually it can be fixed by stopping the experiment and restarting SES program.
While SES is closed try to unplug and plug again the black USB cable from the USB-RS422 adapter with yellow sticker that goes to measurement PC (you can find it behind the monitors, see photo below).
Error "12001: no contact with 7048 processor at adress 0" Trying to shutdown SES programm causes it to freeze.
Solution: try to unplug and plug back the cable from USB-RS422 adapter (see above).