There are two special positions stored in the "Positions" tab: TransferPrep and TransferAn, these are standard positions in Preparation and Analysis chambers, respectively. Automatic movement of manipulator between these two positions is considered safe.
To move from Preparation to Analysis chamber first move to TransferPrep, then after all axis have moved, move to TransferAn position. And vice-versa for opposite direction.
Before moving from Preparation to Analysis chamber first make sure that there are no obstacles in the Preparation chamber (heater, quartz microbalance etc are retracted) and open the valve between the chambers.
Even though it is safe, manipulator should not be left unattended while it's moving!
If you put your own equipment, avoid loosely hanging cables.
Movement is safe unless the calibration of manipulator is correct. If you had to use the big red emergency stop button or for any other reason you suspect that coordinates may be wrong, contact the beamline scientist.
If this happens, first thing to do is to press the emergency stop red button. It will cut the power from motors.
Then call the beamline scientist to help. Solution of this problem is currently not available for users.
Most common modes of data acquisition; tips and tricks; known bugs; troubleshooting
Find the SES icon in the taskbar:
Allow windows to run the program.
Press Test connection, you should see a reply in the MultiAx log panel (at the bottom of the window). Press OK.
Again press Test connection and see the reply. If reply did not appear, there is a communication error, please contact beamline scientist for further instructions. Press OK.
SES window should appear.
Go to Run - Setup menu. Specify region of measurements parameters.
Save the full list of regions (so-called sequence) as a .seq file to your experimental folder.
A map will always start with a number of regions twice as big as the number of points. This causes an error message in the end of the map. When it asks "Discard and proceed?" press No.
P-axis should be selected as major, otherwise polar angle values will not be written in the datafile.
Scale fields should be identical to P-axis fields, otherwise polar angle values in the datafile will be wrong.
Problem: cannot start a map because SES immediately shows an error. If this cannot be cured by restarting SES, then measure one single spectrum and let it finish (not a "Manipulator scan" region, but "Normal"). After that it should be possible to measure a map again.
Sometimes after mapping you can get not a usual "Out of bounds", but another error about some DLL with "AddData" in it's name. In this case file is probably not saved. To fix this issue restart the program.
If this happens, it is recommended to try to save a short test map before each map that you measure, in this case you can at least make sure that the program was working right before you started the map.
If number of polar angle steps was changed or a new mapping region was created, map has to be started, stopped and restarted again. Otherwise it will measure a wrong number of polar angles (see left bottom corner of the measurement window, for map with N steps it should show "1/N", if it shows e.g. "1/1" - it will stop after 1 sweep)
From time to time the following or similar error message may appear:
Access violation at address 004ED730 in module 'SES.exe'. Read of address 06D7C5EC.
Usually it can be fixed by stopping the experiment and restarting SES program.
While SES is closed try to unplug and plug again the black USB cable from the USB-RS422 adapter with yellow sticker that goes to measurement PC (you can find it behind the monitors, see photo below).
Error "12001: no contact with 7048 processor at adress 0" Trying to shutdown SES programm causes it to freeze.
Solution: try to unplug and plug back the cable from USB-RS422 adapter (see above).
Open the valve between Preparation and Analysis chambers;
Bring sample into measurement position in the Analysis chamber;
Make sure that beam is not used and beamshutter is closed;
Take the beam using Beamline Control;
Set light polarization, photon energy, [width of apertures (optional)];
Check that suitable beamline exit slit and analyzer slit are being used;
Setup SES program (data types, folder, sample name, etc.);
Switch on analyzer electronics by tumbler and open the beamline valves (starting from Experiment);
Open in the SES menu "Calibration" -> "Voltages" and set kinetic energy where you expect to see the bands;
Find signal from the sample using joystick and camera images. Sticker roughly marks position of the beam (camera image under the sticker should be in focus).
Fine tune the position using MultiAx "Manual/Steps" or "Virtual axes" tabs. Y direction is along the beam (use for focussing).
Have a lot of nice measurements!
How to change the reference positions of 6 manipulator axes
In case of problems with communication between the MultiAx program and the manipulator it can happen that calibration of the axes is not correct anymore. It may happen, for example, if you see that coordinate values in the MultiAx window are changing while motors are not actually moving.
To recalibrate one axis go to Settings tab and type in the password (provided by the beamline scientist), then press the Unlock button.
Select the axis and press begin calibration. Set the actual position as determined from the rulers on the motors or visually from the camera image.
Move x and y to 4 mm on the rulers --> recalibrate x=0, y=0; Alternatively, read the values on the rulers (arrows mark positiove direction, 4mm mark is 0)
Recalibrate z according to the value on the z ruler;
Use tilt to position back side of the manipulator head vertically --> recalibrate tilt=0;
Align the 2 vertical wires (left camera screen) by polar (correct for backlash) --> polar=0;
Rotate the sample towards the camera by polar and use azimuthal rotation to make sample holder top edge horizontal (correct for backlash) --> azimuth=0.
Press confirm.
After this axis coordinate will be saved and calibration panel will be locked automatically.
After recalibration your saved positions will not be very precise anymore because of the errors in determination of the positions. Center of rotation for polar map XY correctons may be also slightly shifted.
Starting beamline control panel; changing photon energy and polarization; adjusting Rx of SMU
Usually the window of beamline control panel is always open on the left monitor. If it was closed you can find the golden star icon in the taskbar. Alternatively you can use the icon for BLC on the left screen:
Main menu displays the outline of all beamlines coming from UE112 undulator:
Switching Mirror Unit (SMU) is used to switch beam between two main branches, our branch is PGM2. Click on "SMU" button to open the control panel and make sure that circle in front of "PGM2" is green:
If it is not, then make sure that:
your neighbors at PGM1 finished their work
the beamshutter is closed
After that press the square button in front of "PGM2" to get the light and wait until "PGM2" indicator turns green.
If beam is directed to a wrong branch, beamshutter will not open.
SMU_2 switches beam between 1-Squared (dsl) and 1-Cubed (dsr) endstations.
Last letter in dsl/dsr means "left" or "right" if you look from the ring towards the endstation.
Click on SMU_2 in the main menu and make sure that the green circle is in front of dsl (1^2):
If it is not, then make sure that:
your neighbors at 1-Cubed finished their work
the beamshutter is closed
After that press the square button in front of "dsl" to get the light and wait until "dsl" indicator turns green.
After finishing your shift it is a good tone to switch the beam to your neighbors, this way you tell them that you finished and they will not need to worry about step #1.
Open the blue panel by pressing UE112-PGM2 button in the main menu, insert the required value of photon energy in the field Energy (eV). While inserting values cursor should remain inside the field. Press enter. After that monochromator will be set to the specified photon energy and undulator gap will be adjusted according to the loaded ID table (ID=Insertion Device).
ID tables are different for each light polarization! Make sure that you are using the right one (see section about light polarization for more details).
In the top left button you should see ID On, if ID is Off, then only monochromator will move resulting in a very low intensity.
If you see error "ID is local" please check this section.
After changing the photon energy beam will deflect from optimal trajectory and start hitting one of the beamline slits (one can see it on the top-right monitor). To fix this and recover full intensity of the beam go to SMU112_1 panel and press SMU/experts -> PGM2.
! Important !
Use only SMU112_1 that is closer to the ring! Not SMU112_2! If you moved wrong SMU, it is not critical for operation, but don't forget to tell the beamline scientist, then correct parameters can be recovered.
The following panel will appear:
Use only the middle parameter (M3 Left Rx) and change the value using + or - until you reach maximum photoemission intensity. Please refer to the dedicated camera image of the horizontal apertures for guidance. Both apertures are covered with phosphorus thus UV radiation is visible. In the adjusted position the 90% of the beam should come through the gap between the apertures and only some shoulders are visible on the phosphorus.
Use step 0.1 for large changes in photon energy and 0.02 for fine tuning.
Actual value of Rx is shown on the left (in the picture it is 203300, not 191200), you can write it down for you favourite energies. Value in the box is just what you entered last time.
Press button "Monochromator experts" in the left top corner of the blue panel. In the popup menu select "Undulator" After some time the following panel should appear:
Choose one of the options in the drop-down menu "Select Light:" and press button "Do it!". After it says "Done!" go to blue monochromator panel, click inside the energy field and press enter (even if you did not change the photon energy value). This will start movement of monochromator and undulator with respect to the new table. Movement can take some time, wait until blue panel shows "Ready".
To check the actual status of undulator press the big button UE112 on the very left of the main menu. This panel is mainly useful for troubleshooting. First of all, "ID control:" should be remote. Sometimes after machine group restores the beam they need to open undulator gaps and they control IDs "locally", i.e. from the control room. After the beamshutters are open again, the "ID control:" may remain in "local" status, then you must change it to "remote" using this panel.
You can also directly check the gap value and the values of undulator shifts that are used to control light polarization (linear horizontal polarization should correspond to shifts of 0).
Rules of thumb about the directions: If you increase , the Rx value should be reduced and vice-versa. If you see the beam to the right from the slit, you need to increase Rx and vice-versa.
Tip: circular polarisation can be used to suppress the second harmonic signal (e.g. if you see core levels in the valence band or above the Fermi level, they are most probably coming from the synchrotron radiation with doubled energy ).
Before starting the measurement select a proper analyzer slit (black knob on the analyzer).
Narrow slit: + better k-resolution perpendicular to the slit - more difficult to focus and less counts. Curved slit: + flat Fermi level and constant energy surfaces - makes a curved cut in k-space Straight slit: + makes a straight cut in k-space - curved Fermi level (energies need to be corrected programmatically).
We usually start with 400.
850 = Fully open, only for pumping down!
Beamline (BL) exit slit vertical width is controlled manually with a knob behind the electronics rack.
With a smaller slit you improve energy resolution, but get less counts.
Plateau area (~140um) is a good starting point.
Beamline resolution for a given BL exit slit and photon energy can be estimated using an Igor script provided below (beamline parameters correspond to 1^2):
Making a file with X-Y corrections for polar rotation based on 1 optimized point
Recently X-Y corrections were implemented in MultiAx directly, this document is outdated
Axis of the polar rotation is generally not passing through the sample surface. Because of this during the rotation the sample will move away from the focus of the analyzer (and the beam). This can strongly affect polar maps measured in large angular range, especially for small samples.
A way to cope with this problem is to adjust the sample's X/Y position for each new polar angle. To find the correct X/Y for each angle you can first optimize sample position manually for a set of polar angles inside the range of interest and then use them as a reference with interpolation in between (see MultiAx polar corrections tab).
Theoretically it is possible to do good manual optimization only for one point (in the middle of region of interest) and calculate all other X/Y positions based on this point and the position of polar rotation axis.
To do that find the following icon on the desktop of the left PC:
You can also find the file here. (here goes a description how to use it with a screenshot...)
This will create polar corrections for +-40 degrees from the point with good optimization and with step of 2 degrees. Press "Save".
Finally in MultiAx Polar corrections tab press Load File button and select the file "XY-correction" (it should be on top if files are sorted by date).
Manual adjustment is best for small or non-uniform samples where precision is important
Automatic adjustment will work best for middle-sized to big uniform samples.
The screws on the manipulator head (left photo) can be tightened to provide a better thermal contact while cooling for the samples that require lowest possible temperatures. Vacuum screwdriver is located in the Preparation Chamber, close to the heater (right photo).
Move manipulator to preparation chamber;
Close the valve between the chambers;
Go to a saved position "screwdriver" or rotate manually tilt and polar angles;
Do not apply force! Just screw until the end without making it too tight;
Return to "Transfer_PREP" position.
To take your sample out later you will need to loosen the screws by ca. 2 full turns.
Using manipulator heater to set sample temperature
Make sure that Contol A LED is on (the coldfinger temperature will be used as a reference).
On the Lakeshore TC press Setpoint button (6).
Dial in the desired temperature for coldfinger (A)*. Sample temperature will be ~10 deg higher.
Press Enter.
Press Heater Range button and select power. Start with low, if it is not enough - try medium.
Press Enter.
Find below an approximate table of correspondence between A and B temperatures.
Preliminary setup and change of the dewar should be done together with a beamline scientist. This instruction is only for the case when the needle valve is already inside the dewar.
Check that helium line is deep inside the dewar, ca. 5 cm above the bottom.
Check that Helium pump is running (see panel inside the frame from the side of the load lock):
3. Check that black valve below the frame is open:
4. Make sure that helium recovery line is connected to a He return port on the wall-panel.
5. Use ladder and open the needle valve 1 full turn. Rotate counter clockwise if you look from below.
6. Wait until temperature reading starts to steadily go down by 0.01 K. If this doesn't happen in 10 minutes - it is likely that there is a problem (*).
7. When sample temperature reaches ca. 40K start closing needle valve in small steps and wait for the temperature to stabilize. Try to close as much as possible to reduce helium consumption, but don't let temperature to go up.
8. The lowest sample temperature reading is currently ~26 K (condition on Jan 2025).
Check that helium line is not at the very bottom of the dewar. If it slides down, retract at least 5 cm back. This way there is less chance that it will freeze inside.
Make sure that the needle valve part is straight, if not - adjust the support.
Underpressure in the LHe dewar should be avoided at all times! If this happens, air can reach inside the dewar and moisture will turn into ice that freezes on cold parts inside. This ice can block helium line from moving, then it cannot be neither closed normally nor taken out to change the dewar. Too much ice may lead to a dangerous condition!
Since 2025 we are required to leave at least 30L of LHe in the 100L dewars (45L in 250L ones) to make sure that they do not get warm by the time they arrive at the filling station.
LHe level should be measured with no excess pressure in the dewar, if manometer doesn't show approximately 0, the measurement will probably be wrong.
(*) As a first step try to disconnect helium recovery line from the wall (see Fig. 1) and check if there is a flow of gas coming out of it.
To reach the lowest possible temperature on the sample one can improve thermal contact by tightening the screws on the sample pocket of manipulator head. See for more details.
Controlling monochromator via software to measure kz dependence
To perform an automated photon energy scan:
In the MultiAx window open tab "Mono corrections"
Tick activate
In the CommPort | MONO block check that COM2 is selected and click Connect.
Check the current photon energy, the value should appear in the yellow box (Position [eV])
In the SES window create a new CIS region, press Edit, set start/fin values of hv and step
In CIS mode energy values are set as Binding energy! E.g. Fermi level is around 4.5 eV.
Before starting a scan make a test run and make sure that the intensities are reasonable at all photon energies in the range. Ideally one can adjust the intensity manually for each photon enrgy by the beamline exit slit or beamline apertures. Also control the beam position by .